Thursday, June 28, 2007


I went for a haircut today, which included the obligatory eyebrow waxing. A necessary, but painful evil. I noticed that she got a little wax on my eyebrow, but I thought she just wiped it off. I didn't notice the problem until a couple of hours later when I was standing next to Carter in the bathroom while he was washing his hands. I looked in the mirror and thought, "Hmm. Something looks funny." Well, of course, you would look funny too if a big chunk of your left eyebrow was missing. Oh yes. The stray wax apparently took part of my eyebrow with it. At least my hair typically covers the bare spot. We'll just keep our fingers crossed that it grows back. The odd part is that she didn't tell me what she did. Did she think I just wouldn't notice the deviant eyebrow? I just don't know. Oh well. You win some, you lose some. Eyebrows, that is.

We took Carter and Maggie to the Lion's Club Kiddie Carnival tonight. Aunt Birdie went with us. Obviously, Maggie doesn't ride rides, but her big brother makes up for it. He'll ride anything we'll let him on. Then he waves at everyone while he's riding. He doesn't care if he knows you or not, he's going to wave. And if the Lion's Club worker was close enough, he'd give them a high five on each and every revolution of the ride. Tonight he rode the swings, the cars, the rockets, the parachutes, and the roller coaster. At fifty cents a ride, I'd say that was $2.50 wisely spent for a night of entertainment.


Anonymous said...

I'll say that was money well spent...we took the kids to a lions carinval a few weeks ago and the kiddie rides that Sydney went on were $2 each....yup....expensive you are very lucky to have gotten away that cheap!

Kristy said...

Sounds like fun!! We don't have a carnival like that here - but we do have a fair. We went today - $20 for Derek and I to get in, then $2.25 for each ride for Liam. So expensive!!!

I am so jealous of your husband's barbequeing (burnt planks and all! LOL!) My mouth is watering just reading about what he made!!