Thursday, March 22, 2007

That's My Boy!

What a great potty day! (Yes, I know I'm fixated on this topic. That's all we've done for four days. I promise that next week I will branch out to other subjects.) Carter put on his big boy underwear this morning, and had the same pair on at bath time. That means that we had no accidents! We played outside, painted with watercolors, had company - all sorts of fun distracting things - and he still told me when he needed to go. I am just so proud of the little guy!
I'm hoping to get the house cleaned up and functional again now that I'm beginning to be able to trust Carter to tell me when he needs to potty and not have to follow him around all day and try to catch him before he goes. Tomorrow we're even going to try a trip to the park for a little while.
I'm keeping it short tonight. First, because I know you're all sick to death of the potty talk. Second, because Grey's Anatomy is on, and I'm going to sit and fold clothes and watch it. As our old pal Tigger says, TTFN!

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