Friday, March 16, 2007

A Tornado in Our House

Yesterday was a big laundry day at our house. I am really good at washing and drying the clothes, but I hate to fold and put them away. So by yesterday afternoon, I had a pile of five loads of clean clothes laying in my living room floor. I finally decided it was time to get to work folding the clothes, and Carter decided to help. His method of helping is to pick up an item of clothing, throw it across the room, and yell, "Here you go, Momma!!" He really thinks he's helping, so I usually just let him do it until he starts going after the piles of folded clothes. Carter and "helped" me spread out the clothes ALL OVER the room so that it looked like a tornado had come through our house, when I realized I needed to get some dinner going. So I left the mess and went to the kitchen to put dinner on the stove. As soon as I got it going, I heard a knock at the door. I'm thinking, "Oh, I must have accidentally locked Seth out of the house." But no, it's my neighbors across the street (who have no children at home, and hence an immaculately clean house), coming over to deliver a baby present. I was mortified!!! I had to invite them in, but you literally had to trudge a path through the clothes (including our undies!!) to get to a chair.

Meanwhile, dinner is on the stove burning, and Carter is bringing them every toy he owns. Did I mention I had a hairdryer running in the living room because it was the only way Maggie would sleep that day? So Seth comes home in the middle of all of this chaos, and gives me the look of "Oh my, I can't believe the neighbors are seeing this!" But what can you do? Today I am sitting in a completely clean house with no laundry or toys out, but you can bet that I will have no company. They never come when it's clean!

1 comment:

dalia said...

Nicole...I am laughing out loud...I can soooo relate to this story! You are doing a great job!!!